Introducing: Lets Monitor


Back in February of this year, a colleague at my current job recommended this awesome site monitoring mobile app. This of course was a normal day for us, talking about new software or apps that we randomly find. After looking into this mobile monitoring app I liked it and it seemed very useful, however it wasn’t as user friendly as I had hoped, nor did it boast the experience I was expecting. In fact none of the site monitoring tools I had ever looked at really gave me that sense of feeling that I was satisfied with and enjoyed using. Each time I was left with this feeling of “I just want this space to be updated into todays experiences, but maintain the nerdy back-end quality”. Through the hard work of my colleague’s and long time friends @MichaelDick & @EvanDudla, I hope we’ve scratched that itch with:


Simple Website Monitoring

Website monitoring doesn’t have to be loaded down with technical terms nor complicated options (unless you’re into that stuff, then have at it!), but instead monitoring tools should be simple, reliable, and actionable. Lets Monitor hits on each of those points by bringing you an experience from today’s age, reliability backed by our colleagues at the NSA, and actionable alerts to make sure you’re the first one that knows

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Why is Lets Monitor different?

The first thing we notice with each of our new customers is the ease of use that we provide. We get comments such as “Wow, that was easy!”, “Really? That’s all I have to do and I’m set?”, and “Where are all of my technical options? Don’t I have to set those first?”. These reactions start to explain the expectation of the average user because of what they’ve been <strong>trained</strong> to expect from other services out there. After they realize that it is just as simple as add your site and walk away, they are almost left feeling like they are lacking something, lacking the array of options or technical details they’ve come to expect. We’re different because we say… Add your sites, walk away. Leave the gory techy details to us, we’ve got your back.


Crowded Space

So after reading this far, you’re probably thinking “oh just another site monitoring tool, there’s too many of these already”.. and we can’t dispute that. What we can say is that we’re not competing with any of the enterprise tools out there. There are far complicated monitoring tools and experiences that we just don’t care about. And yes, some companies and enterprise customers salivate over those tools and they provide them with exactly what they need.. and that’s great. What we’re here to disrupt and to bring value to is, as I like to call “the little guys”.. The engineers, the entrepreneurs, the small businesses, and those that can’t afford to pay $20+ a month just to monitor there sites, but yet still need to stay on top of some of their online properties. Guys like me, guys like you, we’re here to provide a product that helps us all and doesn’t break the bank trying to do so.

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Go forth, never miss another outage!

This isn’t ground-breakingly new technology, nor is it going to change the world, however it may change the way a few of us look at site monitoring and hopefully give us a new expectation on how monitoring should be done. Removing complications out of everyday tasks is the goal that many new products try to reach because no one wants to further complicate something so simple. Our lives are busy enough! Sign up for Lets Monitor‘s 14-day free trial.. check it out, and then if you think it provides you value, upgrade to premium and we’ll love you for it. Take a vacation, you deserve it 🙂


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